AI Update – Google is now treating a lot of content as SPAM

Content Spam

Don’t put content spam on your website.

Read this article from Google to understand what constitutes content SPAM

>>>>Google is now treating a lot of content as SPAM<<<<

In Google Speak:

“We’re enhancing Search so you see more useful information and fewer results that feel made for search engines.”


Key points:

A lot of people have been generating a ton of content that in most cases is just reversioning (spinning) content that has already been published and is already available via search results (generic content). They are now using AI to generate even more generic content.

In most cases, AI does not generate “original” content.

More often than not AI just generates generic content faster.

  • Google is now labeling that type of content as SPAM

In Google Speak:

“Google is working to combat SPAM, which is anything that is low-quality, unhelpful, or unoriginal.”

Google is also working to combat content generated at an unusual rate that is also low-quality, unhelpful, or unoriginal—even if a human made it.

Google does not want you producing content that does not add additional value (over what has already been published) or is not as in-depth as a really good article.


Bottom Line:

It is vital to publish HELPFUL, UNIQUE/ORIGINAL, IN DEPTH, and or unique OPINION-orientated articles.